viernes, 4 de marzo de 2011

Leucoplasia Bucal

La leucoplasia es un desorden potencialmente maligno que tiene un alto porcentaje de posibilidades de transformarse en cáncer bucal.

Leucoplasia en encía asociada a tabaquismo.

Consiste en una placa blanca que no se desprende a la frotación. Generalmente es asociada al tabaquismo pero puede aparecer en personas que nunca han consumido tabaco (en cualquiera de sus formas).

Su diagnóstico debe realizarse mediante una biopsia y el estudio histopatológico que permita determinar los cambios celulares que pueden progresar hacia un carcinoma. El diagnóstico temprano es actualmente la única herramienta que permite prevenir su transformación maligna.

El uso de antioxidantes y la cesación del tabaquismo pudiera ayudar a prevenir los cambios carcinogénicos.

jueves, 3 de marzo de 2011

Lupus. 2010 Dec 10. [Epub ahead of print]

Palate squamous cell carcinoma in a patient with systemic lupus erythematosus.

Grimaldo M, López-Labady J, Villarroel-Dorrego M.

Central University of Venezuela, Caracas, Venezuela.


Squamous cell carcinoma is a rare consequence of lupus erythematosus and it is generally associated with skin lesions rather than with oral mucosa. This paper reports a patient diagnosed with systemic lupus erythematosus who developed a squamous cell carcinoma on the palate as an outcome of a persistent ulcer, a frequent lesion in patients with this disease and, in fact, clinical criterion for its diagnosis. A 38-year-old female patient diagnosed with systemic lupus erythematosus 12 years previously, who attended the dental school for routine dental control. The patient was being treated with prednisone 10 mg per day and cyclophosphamide 750 mg per month until 10 months prior to her diagnostic biopsy. She had, however, been previously treated with chloroquine. Oral lesions started 6 months before consultation as symptomatic multiple ulcers on the palate. After topical treatment with steroids for 1 month, the lesions regressed except for the central lesion, from which an incisional biopsy was taken and a well differentiated squamous cell carcinoma was diagnosed. The oncological phase consisted of partial palatectomy. To date, 3 years after surgery, the patient is free from malignant lesions. Lupus erythematosus is considered a potentially malignant disorder, although the cause for neoplasic transformation in these patients is still not clear, but cyclophosphamide consumption may be implicated; the case emphasizes the importance of periodical oral evaluation of such patients. Repeated biopsies should be performed if there is failure to respond to conventional therapy.