sábado, 27 de mayo de 2017

Ameloblastic fibroma

Interestingly, new 2017 WHO/IARC classification refers that ameloblastic fibroma may show formation of dental hard tissue, as ameloblastic fibrodentinoma or ameloblastic fibro-odontomas are no longer part of the odontogenic tumor classification. I reckon (a daring personal opinion) a vast evidence of tumor genetic profiles are needed to separate odontogenic lesions in a new classification or, even worse, eliminate them for good. Opinions?

Ameloblastic fibroma showing epithelial and mesenchymal components. 

Adenomatoid odontogenic tumor

Adenomatoid odontogenic tumor. Radiographic, macro and microscopic pics. 

Odontogenic keratocyst

Reclassified again as odontogenic cyst WHO 2017 (former odontogenic keratocystic tumor).

Fig. 1 . X-ray showing typical anterior-posterior cyst growth.
 Microscopic pic shows representative features of epithelial lining of keratocyst.

Fig. 2. Cyst with a lined by a parakeratinized stratified squamous epithelium
with tendency to detach from the  connective capsule.